Command shell script to get list of distribution groups and its members
Here is a command shell script to generate the list of distribution group and their members.
Thanks to Michael B. Smith for this script.
Copy the content to a notepad and save the file as Report-DistributionGroupsAndMembers.ps1
Open command shell and go to the folder where the file is saved and run the following command:
Report-DistributionGroupsAndMembers.ps1 > DGList.txt
## Report-DistributionGroupsAndMembers.ps1
## v1.1
## Michael B. Smith
## August, 2010
## Requires Exchange Management Shell
## Should work with either PowerShell v1 or v2
## Tested on both Exchange 2007 and Exchange 2010
function formatManager($formatstring, $manager)
$formatstring -f $manager.Name, ($manager.Parent.ToString() [plus] "/" [plus] $manager.RDN.ToString().SubString(3))
Get-DistributionGroup -ResultSize Unlimited |% {
$group = $_
"Group Name & Identity: {0}, {1}" -f $group.Name, $group.Identity
$managedBy = $group.ManagedBy
if( $managedBy -is [Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Directory.ADObjectId] )
formatManager "Group manager: {0}, {1}" $managedBy
elseif( $managedBy.Count -gt 1 )
[bool]$first = $true
foreach( $manager in $managedBy )
if( $first )
formatManager "Group managers: {0}, {1}" $manager
$first = $false
formatManager " {0}, {1}" $manager
elseif( $managedBy.Count -gt 0 )
formatManager "Group manager: {0}, {1}" $managedBy[0]
Get-DistributionGroupMember -Identity $group.Identity -ResultSize Unlimited |% {
foreach( $member in $_ )
The URL for the original script is