How to restore an individual mailbox in Exchange 2010

Copy the Exchange EDB and log files from the backup to a location on the Exchange server (This article assumes the recovery folder to be E:\recovery)

open Powershell and verify if the database is in clean shutdown state. Run the command below and check the Satte of the database

eseutil /mh <.edb filename>


If the database stae is 'Dirty Shutdown', perform a soft recovery

eseutil /r <Log File Start Sequence name> /d

P.S: usually its E00

Check the state again and confirm that the state now is clean shutdown


Now load the database into Exhcnage as a recovery database

New-MailboxDatabase -Name RecoveryDB -EdbFilePath E:\recoveryDB\<filename>.edb -LogFolderPath E:\recovery -Recovery -Server <ExchangeServerName>

Once loaded, mount the database using the command below

Mount-Database RecoveryDB


Find the list of mailboxes on the database

Get-MailboxStatistics -Database RecoveryDB

Now restore the mailbox on a specific folder on the users mailbox

Restore-Mailbox -Identity "Ezref" -RecoveryDatabase RecoveryDB -RecoveryMailbox "Ezref" -TargetFolder RestoredMails

The process starts loading mails from the restore database to the user's mailbox under the RestoredMails folder.