How to setup ISCSI SAN with FreeNAS

Install FreeNAS on your server hardware and make changes to the network configuration from the Console

Now click on Services and click the WRENCH next to the ISCSI Service

Leave the Target Global Configuration as is for now

Click Portals and then click Add Portal. Leave it to default or specify the IP on which the ISCSI service will connect

Now select Authorized Initiator and then Add Authorized Initiator. Customize the initiators and/or network based on your requirement

Next, select Targets, provide a name and select the type as DISK. Select the Portal Group ID and  Initiator Group ID

Next create an Extent by clicking Device Extents and then Add Extent

Now associate the target to the extent by click Add Extent To Target under Associated Targets

Finally go back to the Services page and turn on the ISCSI service

That's it. Your ISCSI SAN is ready to use. You may customise the configuration based on your requirement.